Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh

31 minute read

In Bokeh, visual properties of shapes are called glyphs. The visual properties of these glyphs such as position or color can be assigned single values, for example x=10 or fill_color=’red’.

A simple scatter plot

In this example, we’re going to make a scatter plot of female literacy vs fertility using data from the European Environmental Agency. This dataset highlights that countries with low female literacy have high birthrates. The x-axis data has been loaded for you as fertility and the y-axis data has been loaded as female_literacy. Our job is to create a figure, assign x-axis and y-axis labels, and plot female_literacy vs fertility using the circle glyph.

After we have created the figure, in this exercise and the ones to follow, play around with it! Explore the different options available to you on the tab to the right, such as “Pan”, “Box Zoom”, and “Wheel Zoom”. We can click on the question mark sign for more details on any of these tools.

# Import figure from bokeh.plotting
from bokeh.plotting import figure
# Import output_file and show from
from import output_file,show
# Create the figure: p
p = figure(x_axis_label='fertility (children per woman)', y_axis_label='female_literacy (% population)')
# Add a circle glyph to the figure p, y=female_literacy)
# Call the output_file() function and specify the name of the file
# Display the plot

A scatter plot with different shapes

By calling multiple glyph functions on the same figure object, we can overlay multiple data sets in the same figure. In this exercise, we will plot female literacy vs fertility for two different regions, Africa and Latin America. Each set of x and y data has been loaded separately for you as fertility_africa, female_literacy_africa, fertility_latinamerica, and female_literacy_latinamerica. Our job is to plot the Latin America data with the circle() glyph, and the Africa data with the x() glyph.

# Create the figure: p
p = figure(x_axis_label='fertility', y_axis_label='female_literacy (% population)')
# Add a circle glyph to the figure p,y=female_literacy_latinamerica)
# Add an x glyph to the figure p
# Specify the name of the file
# Display the plot

Customizing your scatter plots

The three most important arguments to customize scatter glyphs are color, size, and alpha. Bokeh accepts colors as hexadecimal strings, tuples of RGB values between 0 and 255, and any of the 147 CSS color names. Size values are supplied in screen space units with 100 meaning the size of the entire figure. The alpha parameter controls transparency. It takes in floating point numbers between 0.0, meaning completely transparent, and 1.0, meaning completely opaque. In this exercise, we’ll plot female literacy vs fertility for Africa and Latin America as red and blue circle glyphs, respectively.

# Create the figure: p
p = figure(x_axis_label='fertility (children per woman)', y_axis_label='female_literacy (% population)')
# Add a blue circle glyph to the figure p, female_literacy_latinamerica, color='blue', size=10,alpha=0.8)
# Add a red circle glyph to the figure p,female_literacy_africa,color='red',size=10,alpha=0.8)
# Specify the name of the file
# Display the plot


We can draw lines on Bokeh plots with the line() glyph function. In this exercise, we’ll plot the daily adjusted closing price of Apple Inc.’s stock (AAPL) from 2000 to 2013. The data points are provided for you as lists. date is a list of datetime objects to plot on the x-axis and price is a list of prices to plot on the y-axis. Since we are plotting dates on the x-axis, we must add x_axis_type=’datetime’ when creating the figure object.

# Import figure from bokeh.plotting
from bokeh.plotting import figure
# Create a figure with x_axis_type="datetime": p
p = figure(x_axis_type="datetime",x_axis_label ='Date', y_axis_label='US Dollars')
# Plot date along the x axis and price along the y axis
# Specify the name of the output file and show the result

Lines and markers

Lines and markers can be combined by plotting them separately using the same data points. In this exercise, we’ll plot a line and circle glyph for the AAPL stock prices. Further, we’ll adjust the fill_color keyword argument of the circle() glyph function while leaving the line_color at the default value.

# Import figure from bokeh.plotting
from bokeh.plotting import figure
# Create a figure with x_axis_type='datetime': p
p = figure(x_axis_type='datetime', x_axis_label='Date', y_axis_label='US Dollars')
# Plot date along the x-axis and price along the y-axis
# With date on the x-axis and price on the y-axis, add a white circle glyph of size 4, y=price, fill_color='white', size=4)
# Specify the name of the output file and show the result


In Bokeh, extended geometrical shapes can be plotted by using the patches() glyph function. The patches glyph takes as input a list-of-lists collection of numeric values specifying the vertices in x and y directions of each distinct patch to plot. In this exercise, we will plot the state borders of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. The latitude and longitude vertices for each state have been prepared as lists. Our job is to plot longitude on the x-axis and latitude on the y-axis. The figure object has been created for you as p.

# Create a list of az_lons, co_lons, nm_lons and ut_lons: x
x = [az_lons, co_lons, nm_lons, ut_lons]
# Create a list of az_lats, co_lats, nm_lats and ut_lats: y
y = [az_lats, co_lats, nm_lats ,ut_lats]
# Add patches to figure p with line_color=white for x and y
# Specify the name of the output file and show the result

Plotting data from NumPy arrays

In the previous exercises, we made plots using data stored in lists. We learned that Bokeh can plot both numbers and datetime objects. In this exercise, we’ll generate NumPy arrays using np.linspace() and np.cos() and plot them using the circle glyph.

np.linspace() is a function that returns an array of evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval. For example, np.linspace(0, 10, 5) returns an array of 5 evenly spaced samples calculated over the interval [0, 10]. np.cos(x) calculates the element-wise cosine of some array x.

For more information on NumPy functions, you can refer to the NumPy User Guide and NumPy Reference.

# Import numpy as np
import numpy as np
# Create array using np.linspace: x
x = np.linspace(0,5,100)
# Create array using np.cos: y
y = np.cos(x)
# Add circles at x and y,y)
# Specify the name of the output file and show the result

Plotting data from Pandas DataFrames

We can create Bokeh plots from Pandas DataFrames by passing column selections to the glyph functions. Bokeh can plot floating point numbers, integers, and datetime data types. In this example, we will read a CSV file containing information on 392 automobiles manufactured in the US, Europe and Asia from 1970 to 1982. Our job is to plot miles-per-gallon (mpg) vs horsepower (hp) by passing Pandas column selections into the function. Additionally, each glyph will be colored according to values in the color column.

# Import pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
# Read in the CSV file: df
df = pd.read_csv('auto.csv')
# Import figure from bokeh.plotting
from bokeh.plotting import figure
# Create the figure: p
p = figure(x_axis_label='HP', y_axis_label='MPG')
# Plot mpg vs hp by color['mpg'],x=df['hp'],color=df['color'],size=10)
# Specify the name of the output file and show the result

The ColumnDataSource is a table-like data object that maps string column names to sequences (columns) of data. It is the central and most common data structure in Bokeh.

The Bokeh ColumnDataSource (continued)

We can create a ColumnDataSource object directly from a Pandas DataFrame by passing the DataFrame to the class initializer. In this exercise, we have imported pandas as pd and read in a data set containing all Olympic medals awarded in the 100 meter sprint from 1896 to 2012. A color column has been added indicating the CSS colorname we wish to use in the plot for every data point. Our job is to import the ColumnDataSource class, create a new ColumnDataSource object from the DataFrame df, and plot circle glyphs with ‘Year’ on the x-axis and ‘Time’ on the y-axis. Color each glyph by the color column.

# Import the ColumnDataSource class from bokeh.plotting
from bokeh.plotting import ColumnDataSource
# Create a ColumnDataSource from df: source
source = ColumnDataSource(df)
# Add circle glyphs to the figure p,x='Year',y='Time',size=8,color='color')
# Specify the name of the output file and show the result

Selection and non-selection glyphs

In this exercise, we’re going to add the box_select tool to a figure and change the selected and non-selected circle glyph properties so that selected glyphs are red and non-selected glyphs are transparent blue. We’ll use the ColumnDataSource object of the Olympic Sprint dataset you made in the last exercise. It is provided to us with the name source. After we have created the figure, be sure to experiment with the Box Select tool we added!

# Create a figure with the "box_select" tool: p
p = figure(x_axis_label='Year',y_axis_label='Time',tools='box_select')
# Add circle glyphs to the figure p with the selected and non-selected properties'Year',y='Time',source=source,selection_color='red',nonselection_alpha=0.1)
# Specify the name of the output file and show the result

Hover glyphs

Now let’s practice using and customizing the hover tool. In this exercise, we’re going to plot the blood glucose levels for an unknown patient. The blood glucose levels were recorded every 5 minutes on October 7th starting at 3 minutes past midnight. The date and time of each measurement are provided to us as x and the blood glucose levels in mg/dL are provided as y. A bokeh figure is also provided in the workspace as p. Our job is to add a circle glyph that will appear red when the mouse is hovered near the data points. We will also add a customized hover tool object to the plot. When you’re done, play around with the hover tool you just created! Notice how the points where your mouse hovers over turn red.

# import the HoverTool
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
# Add circle glyphs to figure p, y, size=10,
         fill_color='grey', alpha=0.1, line_color=None,
         hover_fill_color='firebrick', hover_alpha=0.5,
# Create a HoverTool: hover
hover = HoverTool(tooltips=None,mode='vline')
# Add the hover tool to the figure p
# Specify the name of the output file and show the result


The final glyph customization we’ll practice is using the CategoricalColorMapper to color each glyph by a categorical property. Here, we’re going to use the automobile dataset to plot miles-per-gallon vs weight and color each circle glyph by the region where the automobile was manufactured. The origin column will be used in the ColorMapper to color automobiles manufactured in the US as blue, Europe as red and Asia as green. The automobile data set is provided to you as a Pandas DataFrame called df. The figure is provided for you as p.

#Import CategoricalColorMapper from bokeh.models
from bokeh.models import CategoricalColorMapper
# Convert df to a ColumnDataSource: source
source = ColumnDataSource(df)
# Make a CategoricalColorMapper object: color_mapper
color_mapper = CategoricalColorMapper(factors=['Europe', 'Asia', 'US'],
                                      palette=['red', 'green', 'blue'])
# Add a circle glyph to the figure p'weight', y='mpg', source=source,
            color=dict(field='origin', transform=color_mapper),
# Specify the name of the output file and show the result

Creating rows of plots

Layouts are collections of Bokeh figure objects. In this exercise, we’re going to create two plots from the Literacy and Birth Rate data set to plot fertility vs female literacy and population vs female literacy. By using the row() method, we’ll create a single layout of the two figures. Remember, as in the previous chapter, once we have created our figures, we can interact with them in various ways. In this exercise, we may have to scroll sideways to view both figures in the row layout. Alternatively, we can view the figures in a new window by clicking on the expand icon to the right of the “Bokeh plot” tab.

# Import row from bokeh.layouts
from bokeh.layouts import row
# Create the first figure: p1
p1 = figure(x_axis_label='fertility (children per woman)', y_axis_label='female_literacy (% population)')
# Add a circle glyph to p1'fertility',y='female_literacy', source=source)
# Create the second figure: p2
p2 = figure(x_axis_label='population',y_axis_label='female_literacy (% population)')
# Add a circle glyph to p2'population',y='female_literacy', source=source)
# Put p1 and p2 into a horizontal row: layout
layout = row(p1,p2)
# Specify the name of the output_file and show the result

Creating columns of plots

In this exercise, we’re going to use the column() function to create a single column layout of the two plots we created in the previous exercise.

# Import column from the bokeh.layouts module
from bokeh.layouts import column
# Create a blank figure: p1
p1 = figure(x_axis_label='fertility (children per woman)', y_axis_label='female_literacy (% population)')
# Add circle scatter to the figure p1'fertility', 'female_literacy', source=source)
# Create a new blank figure: p2
p2 = figure(x_axis_label='population',y_axis_label='female_literacy (% population)')
# Add circle scatter to the figure p2'population','female_literacy',source=source)
# Put plots p1 and p2 in a column: layout
# Specify the name of the output_file and show the result

Nesting rows and columns of plots

We can create nested layouts of plots by combining row and column layouts. In this exercise, we’ll make a 3-plot layout in two rows using the auto-mpg data set. Three plots have been created for you of average mpg vs year, mpg vs hp, and mpg vs weight. Our job is to use the column() and row() functions to make a two-row layout where the first row will have only the average mpg vs year plot and the second row will have mpg vs hp and mpg vs weight plots as columns.

# Import column and row from bokeh.layouts
from bokeh.layouts import row, column
# Make a column layout that will be used as the second row: row2
row2 = column([mpg_hp,mpg_weight], sizing_mode='scale_width')
# Make a row layout that includes the above column layout: layout
layout = row([avg_mpg, row2], sizing_mode='scale_width')
# Specify the name of the output_file and show the result

Bokeh layouts allow for positioning items visually in the page presented to the user. Kinds of objects can be put into Bokeh layouts: Plots, Widgets and Other Layouts

Creating gridded layouts

Regular grids of Bokeh plots can be generated with gridplot. In this example, we’re going to display four plots of fertility vs female literacy for four regions: Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Our job is to create a list-of-lists for the four Bokeh plots that have been provided to you as p1, p2, p3 and p4. The list-of-lists defines the row and column placement of each plot.

# Import gridplot from bokeh.layouts
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
# Create a list containing plots p1 and p2: row1
# Create a list containing plots p3 and p4: row2
# Create a gridplot using row1 and row2: layout
layout = gridplot([row1,row2])
# Specify the name of the output_file and show the result

Starting tabbed layouts

Tabbed layouts can be created in Bokeh by placing plots or layouts in Panels. In this exercise, we’ll take the four fertility vs female literacy plots from the last exercise and make a Panel() for each. No figure will be generated in this exercise. Instead, we will use these panels in the next exercise to build and display a tabbed layout.

# Import Panel from bokeh.models.widgets
from bokeh.models.widgets import Panel
# Create tab1 from plot p1: tab1
tab1 = Panel(child=p1,title='Latin America')
# Create tab2 from plot p2: tab2
tab2 = Panel(child=p2,title='Africa')
# Create tab3 from plot p3: tab3
tab3 = Panel(child=p3,title='Asia')
# Create tab4 from plot p4: tab4
tab4 = Panel(child=p4,title='Europe')

Displaying tabbed layouts

Tabbed layouts are collections of Panel objects. Using the figures and Panels from the previous two exercises, we’ll create a tabbed layout to change the region in the fertility vs female literacy plots. Our job is to create the layout using Tabs() and assign the tabs keyword argument to your list of Panels. The Panels have been created for you as tab1, tab2, tab3 and tab4. After we’ve displayed the figure, explore the tabs we just added! The “Pan”, “Box Zoom” and “Wheel Zoom” tools are also all available as before.

# Import Tabs from bokeh.models.widgets
from bokeh.models.widgets import Tabs
# Create a Tabs layout: layout
layout = Tabs(tabs=[tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4])
# Specify the name of the output_file and show the result

Linked axes

Linking axes between plots is achieved by sharing range objects. In this exercise, we’ll link four plots of female literacy vs fertility so that when one plot is zoomed or dragged, one or more of the other plots will respond. The four plots p1, p2, p3 and p4 along with the layout that we created in the last section have been provided for us. Our job is link p1 with the three other plots by assignment of the .x_range and .y_range attributes. After we have linked the axes, explore the plots by clicking and dragging along the x or y axes of any of the plots, and notice how the linked plots change together.

# Link the x_range of p2 to p1: p2.x_range
p2.x_range = p1.x_range
# Link the y_range of p2 to p1: p2.y_range
p2.y_range = p1.y_range
# Link the x_range of p3 to p1: p3.x_range
p3.x_range = p1.x_range
# Link the y_range of p4 to p1: p4.y_range
p4.y_range = p1.y_range
# Specify the name of the output_file and show the result

Linked brushing

By sharing the same ColumnDataSource object between multiple plots, selection tools like BoxSelect and LassoSelect will highlight points in both plots that share a row in the ColumnDataSource. In this exercise, we’ll plot female literacy vs fertility and population vs fertility in two plots using the same ColumnDataSource. After we have built the figure, experiment with the Lasso Select and Box Select tools. Use your mouse to drag a box or lasso around points in one figure, and notice how points in the other figure that share a row in the ColumnDataSource also get highlighted. Before experimenting with the Lasso Select, however, click the Bokeh plot pop-out icon to pop out the figure so that we can definitely see everything that you’re doing.

# Create ColumnDataSource: source
source = ColumnDataSource(data)
# Create the first figure: p1
p1 = figure(x_axis_label='fertility (children per woman)', y_axis_label='female literacy (% population)',
# Add a circle glyph to p1'fertility',y='female literacy',source=source)
# Create the second figure: p2
p2 = figure(x_axis_label='fertility (children per woman)', y_axis_label='population (millions)',
# Add a circle glyph to p2'fertility',y='population',source=source)
# Create row layout of figures p1 and p2: layout
layout = row(p1,p2)
# Specify the name of the output_file and show the result

How to create legends

Legends can be added to any glyph by using the legend keyword argument. In this exercise, we will plot two circle glyphs for female literacy vs fertility in Africa and Latin America. Two ColumnDataSources called latin_america and africa have been provided. Our job is to plot two circle glyphs for these two objects with fertility on the x axis and female_literacy on the y axis and add the legend values. The figure p has been provided for you.

# Add the first circle glyph to the figure p'fertility', 'female_literacy', source=latin_america, size=10, color='red', legend='Latin America')
# Add the second circle glyph to the figure p'fertility', 'female_literacy', source=africa, size=10, color='blue', legend='Africa')
# Specify the name of the output_file and show the result

Positioning and styling legends

Properties of the legend can be changed by using the legend member attribute of a Bokeh figure after the glyphs have been plotted. In this exercise, we’ll adjust the background color and legend location of the female literacy vs fertility plot from the previous exercise. The figure object p has been created for you along with the circle glyphs.

# Assign the legend to the bottom left: p.legend.location
# Fill the legend background with the color 'lightgray': p.legend.background_fill_color
# Specify the name of the output_file and show the result

When configuring hover tools, certain pre-defined fields such as mouse position or glyph index can be accessed with $-prefixed names, for example $x, $index. But tooltips can display values from arbitrary columns in a ColumnDataSource.

Adding a hover tooltip

Working with the HoverTool is easy for data stored in a ColumnDataSource. In this exercise, we will create a HoverTool object and display the country for each circle glyph in the figure that we created in the last exercise. This is done by assigning the tooltips keyword argument to a list-of-tuples specifying the label and the column of values from the ColumnDataSource using the @ operator. After you have added the hover tooltip to the figure, be sure to interact with it by hovering your mouse over each point to see which country it represents.

# Import HoverTool from bokeh.models
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
# Create a HoverTool object: hover
hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Country','@Country')])
# Add the HoverTool object to figure p
# Specify the name of the output_file and show the result

The main purpose of the Bokeh server is to synchronize python objects with web applications in a browser, so that rich, interactive data applications can be connected to powerful PyData libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn.

Using the current document

Let’s get started with building an interactive Bokeh app. This typically begins with importing the curdoc, or “current document”, function from This current document will eventually hold all the plots, controls, and layouts that you create. Our job in this exercise is to use this function to add a single plot to our application.

# Perform necessary imports
from import curdoc
from bokeh.plotting import figure
# Create a new plot: plot
plot = figure()
# Add a line to the plot
# Add the plot to the current document

Add a single slider

In the previous exercise, we added a single plot to the “current document” of our application. In this exercise, we’ll practice adding a layout to your current document. Our job here is to create a single slider, use it to create a widgetbox layout, and then add this layout to the current document. The slider we create here cannot be used for much, but in the later exercises, we’ll use it to update your plots!

# Perform the necessary imports
from import curdoc
from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox
from bokeh.models import Slider
# Create a slider: slider
slider = Slider(title='my slider', start=0, end=10, step=0.1, value=2)
# Create a widgetbox layout: layout
layout = widgetbox(slider)
# Add the layout to the current document

Multiple sliders in one document

Having added a single slider in a widgetbox layout to our current document, we’ll now add multiple sliders into the current document. Our job in this exercise is to create two sliders, add them to a widgetbox layout, and then add the layout into the current document.

# Perform necessary imports
from import curdoc
from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox
from bokeh.models import Slider
# Create first slider: slider1
slider1 = Slider(title='slider1',start=0,end=10,step=0.1,value=2)
# Create second slider: slider2
slider2 = Slider(title='slider2',start=10,end=100,step=1,value=20)
# Add slider1 and slider2 to a widgetbox
layout = widgetbox(slider1,slider2)
# Add the layout to the current document

Callbacks are functions that a user can define, like def callback(attr, old, new), that can be called automatically when some property of a Bokeh object (e.g., the value of a Slider) changes. Callbacks are added for the value property of Slider objects by passing a callback function to the on_change method.

How to combine Bokeh models into layouts

Let’s begin making a Bokeh application that has a simple slider and plot, that also updates the plot based on the slider. In this exercise, our job is to first explicitly create a ColumnDataSource. We’ll then combine a plot and a slider into a single column layout, and add it to the current document. After we are done, notice how in the figure we generate, the slider will not actually update the plot, because a widget callback has not been defined. We’ll learn how to update the plot using widget callbacks in the next exercise.

# Create ColumnDataSource: source
source = ColumnDataSource(data={'x': x, 'y': y})
# Add a line to the plot
plot.line('x', 'y', source=source)
# Create a column layout: layout
layout = column(widgetbox(slider),plot)
# Add the layout to the current document

Learn about widget callbacks

We’ll now learn how to use widget callbacks to update the state of a Bokeh application, and in turn, the data that is presented to the user. Our job in this exercise is to use the slider’s on_change() function to update the plot’s data from the previous example. NumPy’s sin() function will be used to update the y-axis data of the plot. Now that we have added a widget callback, notice how as we move the slider of our app, the figure also updates!

# Define a callback function: callback
def callback(attr, old, new):
    # Read the current value of the slider: scale
    scale = slider.value
    # Compute the updated y using np.sin(scale/x): new_y
    new_y = np.sin(scale/x)
    # Update source with the new data values = {'x': x, 'y': new_y}
# Attach the callback to the 'value' property of slider
# Create layout and add to current document
layout = column(widgetbox(slider), plot)

Updating data sources from dropdown callbacks

We’ll now learn to update the plot’s data using a drop down menu instead of a slider. This would allow users to do things like select between different data sources to view. Our job in this exercise is to add a drop down menu to update the plot’s data.

# Perform necessary imports
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Select
# Create ColumnDataSource: source
source = ColumnDataSource(data={
    'x' : fertility,
    'y' : female_literacy
# Create a new plot: plot
plot = figure()
# Add circles to the plot'x', 'y', source=source)
# Define a callback function: update_plot
def update_plot(attr, old, new):
    # If the new Selection is 'female_literacy', update 'y' to female_literacy
    if new == 'female_literacy': = {
            'x' : fertility,
            'y' : female_literacy
    # Else, update 'y' to population
    else: = {
            'x' : fertility,
            'y' : population
# Create a dropdown Select widget: select    
select = Select(title="distribution", options=['female_literacy', 'population'], value='female_literacy')
# Attach the update_plot callback to the 'value' property of select
select.on_change('value', update_plot)
# Create layout and add to current document
layout = row(select, plot)

Synchronize two dropdowns

Here, we’ll practice using a dropdown callback to update another dropdown’s options. This will allow us to customize our applications even further and is a powerful addition to your toolbox. Our job in this exercise is to create two dropdown select widgets and then define a callback such that one dropdown is used to update the other dropdown.

# Create two dropdown Select widgets: select1, select2
select1 = Select(title='First',options=['A', 'B'], value='A')
select2 = Select(title='Second', options=['1', '2', '3'], value='1')
# Define a callback function: callback
def callback(attr, old, new):
    # If select1 is 'A'
    if select1.value == "A":
        # Set select2 options to ['1', '2', '3']
        select2.options = ['1', '2', '3']
        # Set select2 value to '1'
        select2.value = '1'
        # Set select2 options to ['100', '200', '300']
        select2.options = ['100', '200', '300']
        # Set select2 value to '100'
        select2.value = '100'
# Attach the callback to the 'value' property of select1
select1.on_change('value', callback)
# Create layout and add to current document
layout = widgetbox(select1, select2)

Button widgets

It’s time to practice adding buttons to our interactive visualizations. Our job in this exercise is to create a button and use its on_click() method to update a plot. When you’re done, be sure to interact with the button you just added to your plot, and notice how it updates the data!

# Create a Button with label 'Update Data'
button = Button(label='Update Data')
# Define an update callback with no arguments: update
def update():
    # Compute new y values: y
    y = np.sin(x) + np.random.random(N)
    # Update the ColumnDataSource data dictionary = {'x':x,'y':y}
# Add the update callback to the button
# Create layout and add to current document
layout = column(widgetbox(button), plot)

Button styles

We can also get really creative with your Button widgets. In this exercise, we’ll practice using CheckboxGroup, RadioGroup, and Toggle to add multiple Button widgets with different styles.

# Import CheckboxGroup, RadioGroup, Toggle from bokeh.models
from bokeh.models import CheckboxGroup, RadioGroup, Toggle
# Add a Toggle: toggle
toggle = Toggle(label='Toggle button',button_type='success')
# Add a CheckboxGroup: checkbox
checkbox = CheckboxGroup(labels=['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'])
# Add a RadioGroup: radio
radio = RadioGroup(labels=['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'])
# Add widgetbox(toggle, checkbox, radio) to the current document
curdoc().add_root(widgetbox(toggle, checkbox, radio))

Introducing the project dataset

For the final chapter, we’ll be looking at some of the Gapminder datasets combined into one tidy file called “gapminder_tidy.csv”. This data set is available as a pandas DataFrame under the variable name data. It is always a good idea to begin with some Exploratory Data Analysis. Pandas has a number of built-in methods that help with this. For example, data.head() displays the first five rows/entries of data, while data.tail() displays the last five rows/entries. data.shape gives you information about how many rows and columns there are in the data set. Another particularly useful method is, which provides a concise summary of data, including information about the number of entries, columns, data type of each column, and number of non-null entries in each column.

Some exploratory plots of the data

Here, we’ll continue our Exploratory Data Analysis by making a simple plot of Life Expectancy vs Fertility for the year 1970. Our job is to import the relevant Bokeh modules and then prepare a ColumnDataSource object with the fertility, life and Country columns, where we only select the rows with the index value 1970. Remember, as with the figures we generated in previous chapters, we can interact with our figures here with a variety of tools.

# Perform necessary imports
from import output_file, show
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, ColumnDataSource
# Make the ColumnDataSource: source
source = ColumnDataSource(data={
    'x'       :data.loc[1970].fertility,
    'y'       :data.loc[1970].life,
    'country' :data.loc[1970].Country,
# Create the figure: p
p = figure(title='1970', x_axis_label='Fertility (children per woman)', y_axis_label='Life Expectancy (years)',
           plot_height=400, plot_width=700,
# Add a circle glyph to the figure p'x', y='y', source=source)
# Output the file and show the figure

Beginning with just a plot

Let’s get started on the Gapminder app. Our job is to make the ColumnDataSource object, prepare the plot, and add circles for Life expectancy vs Fertility. We’ll also set x and y ranges for the axes.

# Import the necessary modules
from import curdoc
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.plotting import figure
# Make the ColumnDataSource: source
source = ColumnDataSource(data={
    'x'       : data.loc[1970].fertility,
    'y'       : data.loc[1970].life,
    'country'      : data.loc[1970].Country,
    'pop'      : (data.loc[1970].population / 20000000) + 2,
    'region'     : data.loc[1970].region,
# Save the minimum and maximum values of the fertility column: xmin, xmax
xmin, xmax = min(data.fertility), max(data.fertility)
# Save the minimum and maximum values of the life expectancy column: ymin, ymax
ymin, ymax = min(, max(
# Create the figure: plot
plot = figure(title='Gapminder Data for 1970', plot_height=400, plot_width=700,
              x_range=(xmin, xmax), y_range=(ymin, ymax))
# Add circle glyphs to the plot'x', y='y', fill_alpha=0.8, source=source)
# Set the x-axis label
plot.xaxis.axis_label ='Fertility (children per woman)'
# Set the y-axis label
plot.yaxis.axis_label = 'Life Expectancy (years)'
# Add the plot to the current document and add a title
curdoc().title = 'Gapminder'

Enhancing the plot with some shading

Now that we have the base plot ready, we can enhance it by coloring each circle glyph by continent. Our job is to make a list of the unique regions from the data frame, prepare a ColorMapper, and add it to the circle glyph.

# Make a list of the unique values from the region column: regions_list
regions_list = data.region.unique().tolist()
# Import CategoricalColorMapper from bokeh.models and the Spectral6 palette from bokeh.palettes
from bokeh.models import CategoricalColorMapper
from bokeh.palettes import Spectral6
# Make a color mapper: color_mapper
color_mapper = CategoricalColorMapper(factors=regions_list, palette=Spectral6)
# Add the color mapper to the circle glyph'x', y='y', fill_alpha=0.8, source=source,
          color= dict(field='region', transform=color_mapper), legend='region')
# Set the legend.location attribute of the plot to 'top_right'
plot.legend.location = 'top_right'
# Add the plot to the current document and add the title
curdoc().title = 'Gapminder'

Adding a slider to vary the year

Until now, we’ve been plotting data only for 1970. In this exercise, we’ll add a slider to our plot to change the year being plotted. To do this, we’ll create an update_plot() function and associate it with a slider to select values between 1970 and 2010. After we are done, you may have to scroll to the right to view the entire plot. As we play around with the slider, notice that the title of the plot is not updated along with the year. This is something we’ll fix in the next exercise!

# Import the necessary modules
from bokeh.layouts import row, widgetbox
from bokeh.models import Slider
# Define the callback function: update_plot
def update_plot(attr,old, new):
    # set the `yr` name to `slider.value` and ` = new_data`
    yr = slider.value
    new_data = {
        'x'       : data.loc[yr].fertility,
        'y'       : data.loc[yr].life,
        'country' : data.loc[yr].Country,
        'pop'     : (data.loc[yr].population / 20000000) + 2,
        'region'  : data.loc[yr].region,
    source_data = new_data
# Make a slider object: slider
slider = Slider(title='Year',start=1970,end=2010,step=1,value=1970)
# Attach the callback to the 'value' property of slider
# Make a row layout of widgetbox(slider) and plot and add it to the current document
layout = row(widgetbox(slider), plot)

Customizing based on user input

Remember how in the plot from the previous exercise, the title did not update along with the slider? In this exercise, we’ll fix this. In Python, you can format strings by specifying placeholders with the % keyword. For example, if we have a string company = ‘DC’, you can use print(‘%s’ % company) to print DC. Placeholders are useful when you are printing values that are not static, such as the value of the year slider. You can specify a placeholder for a number with %d. Here, when you’re updating the plot title inside your callback function, you should make use of a placeholder so that the year displayed is in accordance with the value of the year slider. In addition to updating the plot title, we’ll also create the callback function and slider as we did in the previous exercise, so we get a chance to practice these concepts further.

# Define the callback function: update_plot
def update_plot(attr,old, new):
    # Assign the value of the slider: yr
    yr = slider.value
    # Set new_data
    new_data = {
        'x'       : data.loc[yr].fertility,
        'y'       : data.loc[yr].life,
        'country' : data.loc[yr].Country,
        'pop'     : (data.loc[yr].population / 20000000) + 2,
        'region'  : data.loc[yr].region,
    # Assign new_data to: = new_data
    # Add title to figure: plot.title.text
    plot.title.text = 'Gapminder data for %d' % yr
# Make a slider object: slider
slider = Slider(title='Year',start=1970,end=2010,step=1,value=1970)
# Attach the callback to the 'value' property of slider
# Make a row layout of widgetbox(slider) and plot and add it to the current document
layout = row(widgetbox(slider), plot)

Adding a hover tool

In this exercise, we’ll practice adding a hover tool to drill down into data column values and display more detailed information about each scatter point. After we’re done, experiment with the hover tool and see how it displays the name of the country when your mouse hovers over a point!

# Import HoverTool from bokeh.models
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
# Create a HoverTool: hover
hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Country', '@country')])
# Add the HoverTool to the plot
# Create layout: layout
layout = row(widgetbox(slider), plot)
# Add layout to current document

Adding dropdowns to the app

As a final step in enhancing your application, in this exercise we’ll add dropdowns for interactively selecting different data features. In combination with the hover tool we added in the previous exercise, as well as the slider to change the year, we’ll have a powerful app that allows you to interactively and quickly extract some great insights from the dataset! All necessary modules have been imported, and the previous code you wrote is taken care of. In the provided sample code, the dropdown for selecting features on the x-axis has been added for us. Using this as a reference, our job in this final exercise is to add a dropdown menu for selecting features on the y-axis.

Take a moment, after we are done, to enjoy exploring the visualization by experimenting with the hover tools, sliders, and dropdown menus that we have learned how to implement in this course.

# Define the callback: update_plot
def update_plot(attr, old, new):
    # Read the current value off the slider and 2 dropdowns: yr, x, y
    yr = slider.value
    x = x_select.value
    y = y_select.value
    # Label axes of plot
    plot.xaxis.axis_label = x
    plot.yaxis.axis_label = y
    # Set new_data
    new_data = {
        'x'       : data.loc[yr][x],
        'y'       : data.loc[yr][y],
        'country' : data.loc[yr].Country,
        'pop'     : (data.loc[yr].population / 20000000) + 2,
        'region'  : data.loc[yr].region,
    # Assign new_data to = new_data
    # Set the range of all axes
    plot.x_range.start = min(data[x])
    plot.x_range.end = max(data[x])
    plot.y_range.start = min(data[y])
    plot.y_range.end = max(data[y])
    # Add title to plot
    plot.title.text = 'Gapminder data for %d' % yr
# Create a dropdown slider widget: slider
slider = Slider(start=1970, end=2010, step=1, value=1970, title='Year')
# Attach the callback to the 'value' property of slider
slider.on_change('value', update_plot)
# Create a dropdown Select widget for the x data: x_select
x_select = Select(
    options=['fertility', 'life', 'child_mortality', 'gdp'],
    title='x-axis data'
# Attach the update_plot callback to the 'value' property of x_select
x_select.on_change('value', update_plot)
# Create a dropdown Select widget for the y data: y_select
y_select = Select(
    options=['fertility', 'life', 'child_mortality', 'gdp'],
    title='y-axis data'
# Attach the update_plot callback to the 'value' property of y_select
# Create layout and add to current document
layout = row(widgetbox(slider, x_select, y_select), plot)


